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Shift__Emilie zimmerman


Chapter seventeen.

I awoke in a small square room, my back was hurting, and I my stomach was on fire

Of course that could be because I was breathing hard

I sat up and looked around

‘Where am I?’ “Jenna!” Drake’s voice came from the corner

I looked over in time to have his arms go around me, he hugged me tightly “Jenna, I thought you were gone!” he said, tears were running down his cheeks

I wrapped my arms around his waist, my hands splayed across his back

“Drake” I whispered, relief flowing through me as I realized he was alive

He seemed thinner than last time I had seen him, and I could feel his rib cage

I pulled back and looked at his handsome face, his cheeks were slightly sunken in, and he was thin

I put my hand on a scar on his neck, it was a pink line now, but there was no telling when he got it “Drake, where are we?” I asked him.

“were at Garrisons hide out, he is holding everyone hostage, he stuffed us in a room, making me sit with what I though was your dead body, I had to look at you night after night, he would leave me food, but I didn’t want it, you were dead, there was nothing I could do, you had no heartbeat, nothing, I think that is one of his powers” he said thoughtfully

I looked at him quizzically “powers?” I asked him

He stared into my eyes for a long time, contemplating something “I might as well tell you, when you shift, you slowly start to develop a power, and the power gets stronger the older you get, and Garrisons has three, he can stop your heart for as long as he wants without permanently killing you, his second is mind control, but he has to be touching you, like a touch to the hand, or shoulder, something like that

The third is infection, he can infect your wounds, without killing you, or he can kill you by infecting your wounds, luckily he hasn’t done that to you, your wounds have healed just fine” he said, staring into my eyes

I nodded “and that is what you talked to my father about? I have some sort of power?” I asked him
